Use to support a pendulous udder or as an udder cover to prevent kids from nursing. Download scientific diagram Relative contribution to the meat supply for deer, pig, and caprine and the frequencies of cereals and cash crops in Cyprus. Gift Certificates Equipment Financing All Milking Products Barn Yard Items Animal Identification Animal Protection Barn Equipment Bibs & Jackets Boots Calf Housing Castrators Cattle Lifters Cattle Scratchers and Oilers Cows and Calves De-Icers Dehorners Disinfection Drum Pumps Farm Pails and Tubs Fencing Fly Repellents and Traps Foggers and Sprayers Goats & Sheep Hay and Grain Moisture Detectors Hoof Care and Trimmers Insemination Equipment Livestock Feeders Livestock Medical Supplies Livestock Scales Livestock Waterers Pig Supplies Poultry Coops & Supplies Poultry Incubators & Hatcher Rabbits Shade Cloth Shears and Clippers Solar Fencers Weighing Scales Butter and Yogurt Making Cheese Making Canning Supplies Dehydrators and Freeze Dryer Fermenting and Sprouting Home Brewing Gardening Products Juicers, Food Mills, Strainers Kitchen Products Meat Processing, Smoking Peeler, Slicer, Corer, Shredder Shuckers, Shellers, Stoners Pasteurizers Preparedness and Survival Sheds and Coops Specials. kit comes outfitted with all the equipment you need to start inseminating with straws. Home Improvement & Hardware Retail Kansas, United States <25 Employees. Review of the udder support harness from Caprine Supply.